With crime-noir tales, anti-hero journey’s, capers through sports entertainment, sci-fi adventures and traditional superhero tales, the Legacy...
Month: November 2021
In less than five hours, our readers have become the real superheroes! Legacy Comix has been successfully...
Join Legacy Comix Founders John Svedese and Patrick Hickey Jr. launch the brand’s Kickstarter, share a few...
KROOM creator Patrick Hickey Jr. and artist John Svedese let us know what to expect in this...
The Job creator Patrick Hickey Jr. and artist Kieran X. Quinn let us know what to expect...
Picture it…it’s 1988 and you’re 5 years old. Your father puts a movie into the VCR and...
Legacy Comix is here. Saying I’m excited is the understatement of the century. I’ve written seven books...
We can’t thank Cuba’s awesome Web Comic creator’s Joseph&Mandy Studios enough for the kind words they had...
Why write a comic when there’s already an infinite sea of comics, ashcans and ‘zines in existence?...
Award-winning writer, journalist and academic leader Patrick Hickey Jr. will continue his Condrey series exclusively at Legacy...