You wanted it? You got it! GODFOE Merch is now available in our shop! Celebrate the unveiling...
The person behind all of these posts is most likely Patrick Hickey Jr. in his alter-ego- the 24/7, Dunkin-Donuts-drinking SouthWest Airline Flyin' machine that keeps the site going. Message him and annoy him. It's OK, It's his job- and he loves it.
Legacy Comix is proud to unveil some WIP art of their upcoming Sarita one-shot, written by Patrick...
Check out these awesome pics from our Infinite Collectibles signing yesterday!
Check out Apollyon 20XX’s Joshua Adams on the Brutal Comix Podcast, where he discusses the series and...
Check out this awesome Mock Renfield Cover by Legacy Comix’s Joshua Adams! About Renfield: Visions of Madness:...
Love Dracula? Why don’t you celebrate the 125th anniversary of Stoker’s tale in style! Order Renfield: Visions...
Legacy Comix Editor-In-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. gives you an inside look at Sarita. Sarita will be available...
Legacy Comix is proud to unveil some WIP art of their upcoming Issue 0 of GODFOE UNIVERSE:...
Legacy Comix is proud to unveil some WIP art of their upcoming Issue 0 of GODFOE UNIVERSE:...
Legacy Comix is proud to announce that the Sarita one-shot, written by Condrey Creator Patrick Hickey Jr....