Some things in life you can’t unsee. Load Eye is proof. Dem Gulls: Birdwalk Empire is now...
Creator Talk
Legacy Comix is proud to unveil some WIP art of Issue 1 of The Legend of the...
Check out these pencils on Carl Antonowicz’s Upcoming Horror Comic With Patrick Hickey Jr. Scheduled got a...
Legacy Comix is proud to share more WIP of artist Diego Andres Hincapie Manrique’s “Secret Project” alongside...
Every group needs brains and QB always has an opinion on any matter that involves the Gulls!...
Legacy Comix is proud to announce that they have signed artist Carl Antonowicz, who will work on...
Well, today is the day- Legacy Comix is one-years-old! On this day, one year ago, the company...
Legacy Comix’s Patrick Hickey Jr. and Joshua Adams talk Sarita and the future of the brand on...
Legacy Comix is proud to announce that the imprint’s full lineup of books will be available for...
Every gang needs muscle and Truf is one beefy breast filet! When things get hectic on the...