Check out concept art in progress from Condrey 6 written by Patrick Hickey Jr. and illustrated by...
Creator Talk
Check out concept art in progress from Condrey 6 written by Patrick Hickey Jr. and illustrated by...
Legacy Comix is proud to announce that Kieran X. Quinn will have a digital exclusive variant for...
Legacy Comix is proud to announce that they will be giving away the Digital Edition of Chris...
Check out concept art in progress from Condrey 6 written by Patrick Hickey Jr. and illustrated by...
Check out concept art in progress from Condrey 6 written by Patrick Hickey Jr. and illustrated by...
Check out concept art in progress from Condrey 6 written by Patrick Hickey Jr. and illustrated by...
Legacy Comix Editor-In-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. discusses death in comics and his thoughts on both sides of...
Check out concept art in progress from The Job: The Birth of a Heel, written by Patrick...
Check out concept art in progress from A Tiger’s Tale written and illustrated by Rianne Meyers. Stay...