Check out concept art in progress from Condrey 6 written by Patrick Hickey Jr. and illustrated by...
Creator Talk
Check out concept art in progress from A Tiger’s Tale written and illustrated by Rianne Meyers. Stay...
Legacy Comix is proud to announce there will be two digital exclusive variants from Chris Booth! “This...
Check out concept art in progress from Condrey 6 written by Patrick Hickey Jr. and illustrated by...
Check out concept art in progress from Condrey 6 written by Patrick Hickey Jr. and illustrated by...
Legacy Comix Editor-In-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. discusses how Indie Comic publishers need to keep an open mind...
Legacy Comix is proud to announce that the Condrey Vol 1. Omnibus is now available physically in...
Check out concept art in progress from A Tiger’s Tale written and illustrated by Rianne Meyers. Stay...