Legacy Comix Editor-In-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. discusses his favorite characters from the Marvel Comics imprint, detailing the...
Creator Talk
GODFOE creators Joshua Adams and Dan Evans Talk about their love of Warhammer with special guest Hans...
Check out this page in progress from The Job #2 from Patrick Hickey Jr. and Steve Cange!...
Check out this panel in progress from Brooklyn Bleeds: Hēi Sǐ Bìng, written by Patrick Hickey Jr....
Legacy Comix is proud to announce that The Ballad of Gia & Frankie, Brooklyn Bleeds: Hei Si...
Check out the first page of KROOM: redux #0, written by Patrick Hickey Jr. and illustrated by...
Legacy Comix is proud to announce that Young Condrey: When Willie Met Spike will get a Trading...
Legacy Comix Editor-In-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. discusses his thoughts on inclusion in comic books and offers some...
Legacy Comix is proud to announce that Editor-In-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. will be at Lumius Inc, at...
Check out the first page of Brooklyn Bleeds: Hēi Sǐ Bìng written by Patrick Hickey Jr. and...