Legacy Comix is proud to announce that DoorSlash, the imprint’s newest horror/noir ashcan, from the creative combo of Patrick Hickey Jr. and Chris Booth, is now available digitally!

“This was a blast to put together. It’s crazy to think it’s something that came together organically by Chris Booth and I just sitting together at a signing,” Legacy Comix Owner Patrick Hickey Jr. said. “This isn’t the last you’ve seen of this character either.”
Stay tuned for the comic’s physical release this Halloween!
In the Meantime, Buy Your Digital Copy Today!
About DoorSlash:
Written By Patrick Hickey Jr. and Chris Booth
Illustrated By Chris Booth
Lettered By Patrick Hickey Jr.
Rumors of a Serial Killer circle Brooklyn and one man attempts to confront the evilness himself. Is it real or just an urban legend furthered by bored teens on social media? What will he find?
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