Legacy Comix is proud to announce that My Brother and the Ladybug is now available digitally on the imprint’s online shop.
“This is our first kid’s book and we are so excited about it,” Legacy Comix Owner Patrick Hickey Jr. said. “Get your hands on it now and don’t be scared to print out the last two pages so your kids can color them.”
Written by Legacy Comix’s six-year-old Chief Cuteness Officer Josie Ann Hickey, it’s an adventure written by and intended for, kids. That doesn’t mean parents can’t enjoy it either though.
Get It Now!
About My Brother And the Ladybug:
Written By Josie Ann Hickey
Scripted, Lettered and Edited By Patrick Hickey Jr.
Penciled, Inked and Colored by Joshua Adams
A little girl wants a brother more than anything in the world. When her mom tells her that ladybugs bring good luck, an adventure begins.
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