Legacy Comix Editor-in-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. shares his thoughts on the grim truths of social media and...
Talkin' Comix
Legacy Comix Editor-in-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. shares his thoughts on the first five issues of Erik Larsen’s...
Legacy Comix Editor-in-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. discusses the Two Universes that Most of the Legacy Comix characters take...
Legacy Comix Editor-In-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. discusses some happy little accidents by the Legacy Team during the...
Legacy Comix Editor-in-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. discusses his favorite moments as the owner of the imprint.
Legacy Comix Editor-in-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. discusses how a Hero’s worst enemy always has to be himself.
Legacy Comix Editor-In-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. discusses being able to see past your defeats in indie comics...
Legacy Comix Editor-in-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. discusses how your comics can affect different people in different ways and...
Legacy Comix Editor-in-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. discusses how one should understand their goals and mission before they get...
Legacy Comix Editor-In-Chief Patrick Hickey Jr. discusses the daily grind that goes into running an independent comic...